
2022年3月27日 星期日



:Its you, Its you, Its you, Its you, I will tell you, I will explain to you, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will let you, let you, let you, let you, I will let you understand, I want you to understand. I wanna let you understand, so I will explain, cause I want you to understand, if I dont explain, you wont understand, if I dont explain, you wont understand.

If you want to understand, You need my explain, if you want to plan, if you want to have a great plan, you need to understand, understand, understand. I need to explain, I need to explain, I need to explain; I will explain, if you stand. If you stand, If you stand, If you stand…,

:「嗯! !

:I want you to understand, understand, you need to understand, if you want to have a great plan, a hard plan, I need to explain, I need to explain, I want you to understand, so I need to explain, you need to understand, if you stand for this island Taiwan island, if you stand for mainland, China mainland.

we are all from this small island, we are all from this small island;雖然你的祖先,你的祖先,你的祖先from mainland, we are all from this small island.我們有同樣的祖先、我們有同樣的祖先;不管他們來自mainland,或來自small island,我們有相同的祖先、相同的祖先、相同的祖先,不要一國分兩邊、不要分兩邊,我們要站中間,我們一定要站中間.

我倆曾經是神仙,我倆曾經是神仙、曾經是神仙,如今我下凡到人間、下凡到人間,我來到這個小的人間, this small island;因為我與small island有緣在先,我與此地有緣在先.

雖然我的祖先、雖然我的祖先,還有你的祖先are from mainland, China mainland;可是我們從神仙降臨到人間,我們要站中間、我們一定要站中間,我們的立場,we have to stand, we have to understand, and we stand, we stand for the island.

你的祖先來自那一邊,來自對岸的那一邊,可是我倆降臨在此邊,在這邊、在這邊,我倆一定要站中間,我倆一定要站中間;不管是為了small island,或為China mainland,或是為了歷代的祖先.



:「我不是顧影自憐、我不是顧影自憐,歷代祖先、歷代祖先,如果看到後代子孫受牽連,他們一樣會淚漣漣,我們要站中間.所謂的站中間:就是也要幫the small island,也要幫China mainland,就是我們的立場要站中間,要真的很公正要達到和平,這個目的是為優先、為優先,絕對站中間,一切以和平為優先!

:「對! 是啊!

:「利益放兩邊,和平放中間,而且要優先,這樣才對得起歷代的祖先,歷代的祖先如果看到自己的後輩晚生,這種戰爭烽火連連,連到天邊,歷代祖先一樣會淚漣漣、淚漣漣, so I need to explain, I need to explain, I want you to understand, understand, if you stand for the island or if you stand for mainland, China mainland,不能以自己的利益為優先,一定要把和平當最優先,縱使有個人的利益,一定要放旁邊!




:If you stand for the island, you need to control everything in hand, even if you want to stand for mainland, China mainland, you need to control everything in your two hands!


